Clio-san! Your manga is adorable, and is a great way to illustrate katakana as onomatopoeia. I like that your manga is slightly different from mine in that you seem to have translated English onomatopoeia sounds into Japanese. Awesome artwork as well!
ケリオさん、とてもたのしですね! I love the strong use of black in the manga, it makes for an engaging style (both dramatic and easy to read). ねこはとてもかわいいです (esp. through the various emotions). I also like the use of sounds--are these katakana onomatopoeia from English or Japanese--or of your own design?
Clio san, you are such a talented artist! I also find your monochromatic black-and-white usage to be very compelling- it adds a dramatic element to the story. What a cute and well executed story! What medium did you use to create your images? Is it ink or some sort of paper?
かわいいいいいいいいいい〜 ねこは smart ですよ! そして とてもかわいいですね〜 You showed the usage of katakana so well through this artwork! You are such a great artist! I could see the cat's emotions through this black&white piece! いいですよ〜
Clio-san! Your manga is adorable, and is a great way to illustrate katakana as onomatopoeia. I like that your manga is slightly different from mine in that you seem to have translated English onomatopoeia sounds into Japanese. Awesome artwork as well!
ReplyDeleteクリオさんのえはかわいいです! Your use of onomatopoeia is both really cute and really effective in crafting a story without words.
ReplyDeleteとてもかわいいですね!This is the cutest thing ever. I love how your manga consists entirely of katakana sounds. とてもおもしろいです!:)
テーブルはとてもたかいですね。でもねこはさかなをたべます。Great drawings and good use of katakana for onomatopoeia!
ReplyDeleteHaha what a clever cat. And what clever use of katakana. Definitely made the story that much better, あなたのねこわとてもかわいいですよ!
ReplyDeleteケリオさん、とてもたのしですね! I love the strong use of black in the manga, it makes for an engaging style (both dramatic and easy to read). ねこはとてもかわいいです (esp. through the various emotions). I also like the use of sounds--are these katakana onomatopoeia from English or Japanese--or of your own design?
ReplyDeleteとてもかわいいですね!I really like how you used katakana in the manga. It really highlights the cat's actions with the sound effects.
ReplyDeleteClio san, you are such a talented artist! I also find your monochromatic black-and-white usage to be very compelling- it adds a dramatic element to the story. What a cute and well executed story! What medium did you use to create your images? Is it ink or some sort of paper?
ReplyDeleteねこは smart ですよ! そして とてもかわいいですね〜
You showed the usage of katakana so well through this artwork!
You are such a great artist! I could see the cat's emotions through this black&white piece!