Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Boy At The えきのばす。

This weekend, きんようびからにちようびまで, I went up to Providence, Rhode Island to visit my boyfriend at RISD だいがく。At the えきのばす at Penn Station, a boy came up to me and asked me whether I'd sell my ticket to him for よんじゅ dollars (I had spent いち dollars for mine). I said すみません, my boyfriend was expecting me to meet him I couldn't skip the trip since we don't get to see each other that often. The boy said he understood really well since he was also trying to get to Providence to visit his girlfriend who goes to Brown だいがく。He had left from American だいがくin Washington D.C at ごぜんろくようじ and on his way to New York the ばす broke down and left them stranded for a couple hours. Because of this, he missed his second ばす leaving for Providence and had been stuck in New York for hours because the next one wasn't until ごじごじゅぷん, which was the ばす I was taking. We talked for a while and then he left to try to find someone willing to sell him their ticket for the ばす since the でんしゃ was too expensive. He wasn't on board when we left, and I don't know what happened to him or whether he was able to get to Providence, but I have never met someone that had made such an impression on me in such a short conversation. The whole ride all I could think about was whether he was able to find a ticket and see his girlfriend, who he gets to see more rarely than I see my boyfriend. I just wish I had been able to help him and maybe one day we'll meet again so we can make this trip together as two kids just trying to reach the people they care about.


  1. Clioさんこんにちは=)

    Clioさん の post はかわいいです!I hope Clioさん の ともだち managed to get a ticket to see his かのじょ。 And I hope you had a good time with your かれ! Long distance relationships... たいへんですね。

  2. わたしも use メガーバス!!! わたしのかれはWPIのがくせいです。じゃ、いきますへMassachusettsのWorcesterでメガーバス。LDRs are very difficult, ね。

  3. Cool story! じゅういちがつ DCへ バスで いきます。Do you have any idea which bus is the best? 

    My girlfriend's father went to RISD when the David Byrne was there.

  4. Clio さん!
    I cannot believe i JUST found your blog! hehe
    anyways! Clio さんの blogは とても かわいい てすね!
    Like many of the people that commented your blog, I hope that man found a way to reach his girlfriend... ><

    Oh btw, I wasn't in class today because I was feeling so sick this morning D:
