Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About Communication

The importance of communication:
-It allows for a point or idea to be clearly stated and understood
-It is effective in catching the attention of both new speakers and fluent speakers
-Good communication receives a strong reception and our Pod-Cast should be thought-provoking an enlightening to those who view it
-Communication not only allows for an idea to be presented, but for a reaction to be stated which starts discussion and further communication

What I expect to learn from creating this Pod-Cast:
-New vocabulary and grammar to present our ideas
-A better fluency to communicate the point I am trying to make without stuttering or stalling
-A better understanding of the subject we are pursuing
-A confidence with both my speaking and writing abilities
 -A more relaxed form of speaking when acting out scenes of friendship
-Better skill at speaking in dialogue casually

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm taking Japanese at the University of Notre Dame, and we are also doing podcasts. What's yours going to be about?
